Social Problem Paper 200 Points

Social Problem Paper 200 Points

This paper (8 –10 pages) will address a specific social problem that impacts human development and/or social functioning and includes a major macro component. The paper is due April 16, 2020. Possible topics include:



Teenage pregnancy

Working poor

Homeless families or general homelessness


Domestic violence




Gender Transitioning (male and female)



Once you have decided on a topic and received instructor permission (Please have this decision to professor by March 5th) ; use the following as a guide to complete the paper:

Using statistical data and scholarly literature, define the nature and parameters of the social problem and the populations most impacted by the problem, including information about the nature of the any consequences.

Using a theoretical approach (using any theory discussed in class, i.e. systems theory), explain how the specific social problem is created and/or maintained by the social, economic, political, media, religious and any other macro level institutions or social arrangements in our society.

Explain the social injustices and the oppressive forces that are implicated in the problem.

Suggest some social work strategies for prevention of and intervention with the problem at the macro level including family, community and institutional levels.

Papers should include at least 5 appropriate sources. Sources can include one website; the other sources must be scholarly books, chapters in books, or articles from academic journals.

If possible, you should attend a community event/activity related to your topic. You experience at the community event and information gleaned from the event should be included in your paper.

You can include handouts or information from the community event in an appendix.

Written Assignments:

All written assignments must demonstrate acceptable writing style, American Psychological Association (APA, 6th ed.). Part of the grading process will include an evaluation of presentation, including clarity, coherence, logic and organization of the assignment. All assignments must follow the APA 6th ed. Guidelines. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the paper is in the possession of the instructor by the designated time. Any papers left in the mailbox or any other place are not the instructor’s responsibility. All assignments must be turned in on hard copy, no electronic papers; either e-mail or flash drives will be accepted. At the discretion of the instructor, it may be required to submit written assignments via “turn-it in”, a program utilized to determine instances of plagiarism. Please follow-up to ensure I have received your paper by the date assigned. Below is a partial list of factors that are addressed in the grading process:

Any error in APA reference or citation format from the 6th edition

Lack of quotation marks at the beginning and end of all direct quotes

Extra or missing punctuation (i.e. commas, semi-colons, colons, periods)

Incomplete sentences (i.e., sentences without a verb)

Run-on sentences (i.e., sentences that run together without appropriate punctuation and capitalization delineating each sentence)

Incorrect spelling

Inappropriate and inconsistent verb tense

Lack of noun-verb agreement

Incorrect use of capitalization (e.g., social work is generally not capitalized)

Incorrect use of possessives (examples of correct use are Shawn’s book, the parents’ child)

Repetitive word phrases or overuse of the word.

Use of unclear pronouns.

Any contractions (e.g., I’m, can’t, won’t), except in direct quotes from another


Lack of neatness (e.g., handwritten corrections, uneven indentions)

Papers that are not typewritten will not be accepted

Use of a size other than 12-point font Times Roman or other acceptable font

Lines not double spaced

Margins that are less than or wider than 1 inch

Failure to indent the first line of a paragraph

Incoherent sentences

Format: The paper will follow APA guidelines, 6th edition.

Use the headings provided below:

I. Introduction of thesis (What is it the point that you are aiming to prove? What Macro component continues the ongoing oppression of which population at risk?)

II. Description of social problem that impacts human development and/or social functioning that is affected by a major macro component. (This answer WHO is being affected, and WHAT is in power to maintain that the condition continues?)

III. Historical Background of the population at risk (This is about WHEN and HOW this all began)

IV. Analysis of how the Macro organization/system maintains keeping the oppressed population (This answer WHY and HOW it continues to be maintained and WHAT efforts are currently taking place to effect change?)

V. Conclusion- What are the recommendations for change? Suggest some social work strategies for prevention of and intervention with the problem at the macro level including family, community and institutional levels. (This takes information from the prior I-IV sections, as well as additional research. It reemphasizes your thesis -what you are trying to prove- and then takes your major points from the previous paragraphs to show that you were able to support your argument with actual facts and what recommendations exist in the research for change.- Not your opinion…professional resources that support recommendations that are in agreement with how you would like the world to address this problem- write in 3rd person)

*Address the questions in a narrative format (not outline form).

References: You will need to use a minimum of six references. Of these, five must be scholarly references or government documents. It is important to demonstrate your ability to do research at the library, to critically analyze various positions, comparing and contrasting strengths and weaknesses, and presenting facts in a manner persuading the reader to his/her own conclusions. DO NOT USE internet articles or new stories as a reference. You will not get credit for any material using these sources as part of your six required references. Papers should include at least 5 appropriate sources. Sources can include one website; the other 5 sources must be scholarly books, chapters in books, or articles from academic journals.

You may only use your textbook as a source for identifying relevant sources, but NOT as a direct source or citation.

Citing your References: Proper in-text citation under APA guidelines is expected and required. Work that is not cited properly will be deemed conjecture and will not receive any credit. In conducting scholarly research, sources included should cover legislation and/or public documents, books and journal articles.



Policy Paper Is Due On April 16th -Uploaded To Appropriate Submission Folder On D2L Brightspace.


Sections Poor Fair Good Excellent TOTAL

I. Introduction – (15 points) Briefly discuss the purpose of the paper including the specific population being oppressed and the macro enforcer that maintains the status quo II. Description of social problem that impacts human development and/or social functioning that is affected by a major macro component. (20 points)

Which population is being affected?

How many people are in that population?

How are they being affected (rules, laws, behaviors, attitudes, freedom?)

Who/what systematically is affecting them and how?

What maintains the problem? III. Historical Background of the problem (20 points)

What historical problems led to the creation of the oppression?

How impactful/oppressive have these problems been historically?

How was life for this population prior to the oppression?

What is the historical background since the oppression began?

How has the oppression changed over time (both in the population and by the macro component? IV. Analysis of how the macro organization/system maintains keeping the oppressed population in current status. (30 points)

Give an overview of the major macro components.

How does the macro component work?

What reinforces the macro component to maintain current policies/behaviors?

Who is affected by these macro component practices?

How does the macro component implement current maintenance of oppression?

What are the short- and long-term goals and outcomes of the macro component?

What administrative auspices, overlook the macro component?

What is the funding mechanism that maintains the macro component?

How effective is the macro component and marginalizing and oppressing?

What is the social awareness and understanding of both the oppression and the power of the macro component to maintain the oppression? V. Problem Analysis (40 points)

What are some social work strategies for prevention of and intervention with the problem at the macro level including family, community, and institution levels?

What are the recommendations for change with regards to minimizing the oppressive power of the macro component?

How do the goals of reducing oppression and increasing cultural diversity contribute to greater social equality and reduction of this problem?

How does addressing the macro component’s current policies/ behaviors/ attitudes positively affect the redistribution of income, resources, rights, entitlements, rewards, opportunities and status?

How do these recommendations/goals contribute to a better quality of life for the target population?

How do the recommendations contribute to positive social relations between the target population and the overall society?

How are the goals for change consistent with the values of professional social work?

VI. Conclusion (15 points) – Briefly summarize points reached as part of the paper. Based on the analysis, what is the perceived future of the oppression. Correct overall APA format (use of headings, margins, cover page, etc.) (10 points) Proper in-text citations (10 points) Number/appropriateness of references (10 points) Grammar, punctuation, clear writing (30 points) TOTAL POINTS _______ /200