Social Work adverse childhood experience,This is a “journal quality ” paper. The tile I would like is “Education of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) for better clinical Practice.” The purpose of the paper is to educate clinicians about ACEs and incorp

This is a “journal quality ” paper. The tile I would like is “Education of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) for better clinical Practice.” The purpose of the paper is to educate clinicians about ACEs and incorporate possible strategies to clinical application, and how learning of ACEs can improve practice. Clinicians can become frustrated with revolving patients. The level of care for those type of patients may not receive the attention of non-revolving patients. The paper needs to include what ACEs are which is a 10 question measurement originated by Dr. Falletti in 1997. I have attached references in an annotated bib and a matrix to help teach concepts of ACEs. Remember, ACE is a questionnaire.