Some of the work place barriers identified in my organization





Question 1


Some of the work place barriers identified in my organization of choice include the following:


Many professionals find it hard to practice recreational practices as a result of the discriminative nature of the work place. There may be a preferential treatment of a section of the workforce over others. This limits their chances of active participation in these activities.

Indiscriminate bureaucratic regulations

The structure of the organization may make it extremely difficult for individuals to access recreational services because of the long bureaucratic procedures put in place. This is not necessary as it brings unwarranted red tape (Albrow, M., 2007).

Negative attitude and stereotypes

Many people may fail to participate in recreational activities because of having a negative attitude towards it. Such stereotypical tendencies prevent them from participating because they think it is not important to them.

Agency non responsiveness

The active participation in recreational activity depends on the support of the agency. However, any insensitivity makes it impossible because it acts as a big obstacle. For instance, this may lead to the designing of inappropriate program.

Question 2

In order to remedy the above barriers, the following remedial measures can be taken:

Understand the barriers

The concerned organization must carry out an extensive research to identify the existing barriers in its structure. This will help in understanding the situation and determines the next step to take (McLean, D.D. et al., 2005).

Attitude change

For any future success, attitude change is inevitable. In this regard, individuals must accept to shun away from the stereotypes and view the recreation as a must do activity meant to improve their individual lives in many ways.

Organizational change

All the barriers caused by the organization should be eradicated. For instance, discrimination and stringent bureaucratic procedures must be avoided at all costs. This will create room for active participation in recreational activities.

Question 3

Service population demographic can be a small community that can be selected for study. Because of the numerous challenges they face, there should be a lot of focus on them. This can be done by helping to tackle their problems like language limitation and discrimination (Thomas S. Y., 2000). This is mainly because they face challenges such as the language barrier, prejudices and exclusion from the rest of society.


Albrow, M. (2007) Bureaucracy. London: Macmillan

McLean, D.D. et al.(2005). Kraus’ Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society, 7th Edition. Jones

and Bartlett.

Thomas S. Y. (2000) Fundamentals of Recreation, 2nd edition. London: Harpers & Row.