Synthesis Outline

Synthesis Outline

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Synthesis Outline


In our current world, the universe is facing a lot of environmental problems such as global warming, air pollution, waste disposal, water pollution, climate change, and many other effects. The degradation of the environment and exploitation of earth has increased in an alarming alert. Due to these complicated issues, people need to be more cautious about the way they address these environmental problems. This essay will evaluate solutions to ecological issues by looking into two articles, that is, Robert Paarlberg’s “Attention Whole Foods Shoppers,” and “How Farmers are Going to Save Civilization,” by Jenn Hardy. Also, it will look into a TEDx talk, “Permaculture-from forest to farm.” The essay will also propose a solution that can be used to solve environmental problems.

Summary Paragraphs

Attention Whole Foods Shoppers

In this article, Robert Paarlberg highlights the advantages of modern eco-foodies to the environment. He gives various crises that have led to global hunger through organic food. He suggests that if the issue of global hunger needs to be addressed, people need to look into scientific-intensive, highly exploited, and modern agricultural systems that have been developed in the West. Through this, people will be able to conquer the plague of hunger globally, especially in underdeveloped countries.

How farmers are going to save Civilization

Jenn Hardy talks about permaculture, which means taking responsibility for how one gets food. He talks about the importance of environmental sustainability by mentioning to his audience that they are part of the environment. Permaculture stands for a permanent culture that evolved in the 1970s. Hardy talks about how people need to understand agriculture and urbanize it in the cities. People need to be connected to the environment to avoid destructive human habits in the environment.

Permaculture- From Forest to Farm

In this video, Clea Chandmal also talks about permaculture being a habit that resembles the environment’s pattern. She talks about her farm and home that is modeled according to her ideas. Clea gives an example of how she lives a life that does not burden the environment. She is after helping people co-exist with nature. Her talk is about adapting a supportable lifestyle in the modern world.

Synthesis Paragraph

Major Similarities between the articles

In all three articles, the authors talk about the effects of human degradation and industrialization on the environment. They all give the disadvantages of not taking care of the situation. The articles also provide solutions on how we can protect our habitats by taking care of them.

Major Differences between the Articles

Although the articles have several similarities, they also differ in different ways. Robert encourages the use of scientific-intensive systems in curbing global hunger while Clea talks about having a connection with the environment to stop environmental degradation. Jenn Hardy also talks about urbanizing agriculture to avoid human destruction to the environment.

Points from the article that you agree with

From the articles, I agree with Jenn and Clea that we need to connect to the environment so that we avoid its destruction. Protecting the environment will benefit us since the consequences brought by human damage does not only affect the environment but also us.

Point from the article that you disagree with

I’m afraid I have to disagree with Robert about using intensive scientific methods on agriculture. These methods are harmful to the environment since they cause air pollution and soil erosion, which are detrimental to the environment.

Solution Proposal Paragraph

The primary solution to curbing environmental problems is through sustainable intensification. Sustainable intensification increases the use of efficiency in farming to reduce environmental degradation. It also assists in concentrating on one area for farming while sparing another part for the nature and production of the environment for the well-being of human life. Those who oppose the point may say that sustainable intensification is not enough since agriculture continues to increase. The opposers will say that there will be no enough reduction of area under agriculture. However, sustainable intensification would be the best solution since it provides enough environment that would be spared. Therefore, it would prevent environmental damage.

Conclusion Paragraph

Overall, humans need to know that the environment is not separate from them but part of them. Through this, it will be easy to take care of the environment since they know the advantages of a friendly atmosphere. The actions taken by human beings will determine the type of environment they are living in.