The 2007 Economic Recession and its Effect on Real Estate.

The 2007 Economic Recession and its Effect on Real Estate.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR TERM PAPER – AF475 1. The text of the paper should be between 5 and 10. Any number of meaningful exhibits is acceptable. 2. The paper should be typed, using 12 point type, DOUBLE SPACED, and READABLE! This sentence is in 12 point type. 3. Spell your words correctly. Do not be afraid to consult your dictionary. Spell check does not catch everything. Use proper grammar. 4. Use a good quality paper. 5. Papers should be handed in on time. Late papers will be assessed a full letter grade penalty per day if not turned in on the due date. All exam and term paper due dates are as shown on the schedule. 6. Everyone must do their own paper. No team/group papers are allowed. 7. A bibliography of your research sources should be attached. 8. No document covers!! One staple in the upper LEFT is sufficient. 9. Make sure your paper is factually correct. 10. Its highly recommended you include Charts and/or graphs to help your paper.  The intent of this assignment is to make sure you can do a good factual treatment of a topic in a term paper in a college level class. Select a topic that has to do with the current, past or future Real Estate Market and complete a research paper on the topic. Please make sure you pick a topic, which has enough material available to do a thorough job and one that you will be able to give good treatment in a paper of this length. The paper should be set up as follows: Text — (Minimum 5 Pages — Maximum 7 Pages) Exhibits — (Tables, Graphs, etc.) As many as needed for a thorough paper)