The color purple of Alice Walker has enormous historical and social significance

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The color purple of Alice Walker has enormous historical and social significance in a 30-year range of periods and movements including the Harlem Renaissance, the progressive developments in both civil and female rights, the destruction by European businesses of rich African civilizations, and the start of World War II. In the course of the life of a person, prominent social problems and their historical relevance are encountered through a certain evolution, as new problems arise with every new age. Miss Celie’s life, a poor southern black woman, evolves from the early to the middle of the 1900s with issues of historic importance. In a period of recent abolition of the practice of slavery, Walker uses Celie as a sign of what it was meant to grow and develop in the US. In one way, Celie represents an entire population of black women, who had suffered abuse, when they began to fight for their rights, find their pride and worth. Walker, on the other hand, also uses Nettie’s journey to show that White Europeans pursue power and wealth in the appalling destruction of African cultureADDIN CSL_CITATION {“citationItems”:[{“id”:”ITEM-1″,”itemData”:{“DOI”:”10.2307/1208336″,”ISSN”:”00107484″,”author”:[{“dropping-particle”:””,”family”:”Proudfit”,”given”:”Charles L.”,”non-dropping-particle”:””,”parse-names”:false,”suffix”:””}],”container-title”:”Contemporary Literature”,”id”:”ITEM-1″,”issue”:”1″,”issued”:{“date-parts”:[[“1991″,”11″,”30″]]},”page”:”12″,”publisher”:”Gale”,”title”:”Celie’s Search for Identity: A Psychoanalytic Developmental Reading of Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple””””