The Crystal Palace

The Crystal Palace

In your essay you will examine a building of your choice from a critical, historical and/or theoretical point of view. We expect you to use a range of references in your essay, much along the lines of what we have done in the reading seminars. We ask you to use around ten relevant and published sources (books, journal articles, reviews, catalogues, etc.). They will have to include four key references:

a) At least one more descriptive article, review or essay of the building, such as a contemporary review of the building in an architecture journal.

b) At least one theoretical text about the building, such as a later commentary on the building by an architectural theorist, or academic writer.
c) At least one text by the architect of the building, either about the building itself or about a topic related to or relevant for its understanding.
d) At least one text on a historical or theoretical issue or on another context that is relevant to your discussion of the building in your essay.

Note that in some cases this list may usefully be adjusted. You need to stick to the spirit rather than the letter of this prescription. You will also need to use at least five or six additional relevant sources to discuss your building.

The main text should have paragraph breaks where appropriate, but generally be continuous. Avoid half-empty pages. Look at essays in edited books or journals to get a sense of rhythm for paragraph breaks and the occasional empty line between sections. 

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