the currently open internet is at risk of fragmentation as some governments and organisation are pushing towards regional governance.these will ultimately results in a highly restricted internet based on user location .the internet will be even more

the currently open internet is at risk of fragmentation as some governments and organisation are pushing towards regional governance.these will ultimately results in a highly restricted internet based on user location .the internet will be even more

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The currently open Internet is at risk of fragmentation as some governments and organisations are pushing towards regional governance. This will ultimately result in a highly restricted Internet based on user location. The Internet will then be even more influenced by certain geopolitical objections

1) Discuss the implications of the elimination of the multi-stakeholder model of Internet

governance for a born-global firm in a region of your choosing (or on SME competitiveness).
2) Should an open Internet play a role in the UN Sustainable Development Goals? Support your answer with theories/concepts developed on the course and real-life examples.

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