The duties humans owe to animals.

The duties humans owe to animals.

Construct a valid, sound, and/or strong argument that describes the duties you believe humans owe to animals and explains why we owe those duties to animals. In order to fulfill this assignment, you will compose an argument for which your conclusion will be a statement that describes the duties humans owe to animals. For instance, you could state that humans may use animals for whatever reason they desire as long as the use does not cause the animals pain: this would be the conclusion of your main argument. In order to reach that conclusion, you will need to construct an argument with premises that lead to your conclusion/duty statement. This will require you to present in logical order, a series of shorter arguments that support each one your premises that lead to your main conclusion/duty statement. Your paper should include an introductory paragraph and conclusion in addition to the body of your paragraph that contains your arguments. The first of set your shorter arguments will identify and provide support for each of your morally relevant criteria. You will likely need to construct an argument to support each one of your morally relevant criteria. The next set of shorter arguments will explain whether or not animals possess your morally relevant criteria and why they do or do not. Finally, you will use the conclusions of your shorter arguments to construct an argument that supports your main conclusion/duty statement. Textual support/references: Since this paper is largely your ethical position, you are not required to provide textual support. However, you may find that some of the premises for your shorter arguments (e.g. All animals can/cannot feel pain.) technically need you to generate even more short arguments to support them. For premises such as these, if you can find peer-reviewed journal articles (the more you find, the stronger your argument) that support your premise, you are welcome to rely on and cite those peer-reviewed journal articles to serve as “silent” premises that support your statements. For example, continuing with animal pain, you may use references that present evidence about animal pain to support your position that animals either can or cannot experience pain. If you use references, please submit a bibliography of your references. For citation and bibliographic format, you may use any format recognized by the University (e.g. MLA, journal, etc.). What is important is that you pick one format and use it for your entire paper and bibliography. Your bibliography will NOT count toward your 2-page minimum. Objective: Practice identifying morally relevant criteria. Practice preparing arguments in series to support a main conclusion. Practice organizing the series of arguments in a logical order.