Theater Company “Derevo”

Research a Theatre Company Description NOTE: The company to research is called “Derevo” ASSIGNMENT: Research your assigned company. Find their websites, watch Vimeo, YouTube, and other digital media hubs. Choose no more than 2 clips that you will embed into your post. Sell us on the company! Address these questions first: How does the work of company/director/artist exemplify our understanding and concept of theatricality as explored thus far? Why are they notable and different? are they pushing boundaries? What is their Mission Statement? Answer if applicable to your choice: – How are they ‘radical’, ‘pushing boundarries’, forging ‘new theatrical terrain’? (Or whatever other quote has been ascribed to them…) – Do they emphasize diversity? Ideas for more effective project presentation: -Create your own slideshow, powerpoint, or other creative tool to enhance your presentation -Interview company members via phone, email, or in person. Then, choose ONE of following prompts 1. Based on the research of your chosen theater company, director, or artist: What might be their next project? Why? [consider current social and political climate and issues, nationally and/or globally] 2 How might your chosen company conceive a production of [ * ] play? (*Any of the plays that we have studied so far) What might be their reason for doing it? 3. Choosing one scene from Love and Information by Caryl Churchill. How would your chosen theater company perform this? Where? (would it be in a theater? Site specific? Immersive?… Why?) IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT give me what can be found on Wikipedia. DO NOT do a surface, quick cut/paste job. Fall in love with the company and their work.