Title IX

Title IX

Do you think the effects of Title IX on sport have completely eliminated the disparity in self-confidence sometimes exhibited by men and women? Explain and defend your answer

Title IX was passed in the year 1972 and refers to the federal act that allows the non-discriminatory cases in the federal funded education programs. The program enhances the involvement of opportunities for the women in sports. Despite the efforts of the program, I don’t think that Title IX has completely eliminated the disparity in self-confidence sometimes exhibited by men and women in that despite having achieved a non-discriminatory participation among males and females in federally funded programs, it has not attracted as many girls to play in the tournaments but on the contrary has reduced the number of men participating in these games.

Women have received more attention as they have a long history of gender restrictions not only in sports but also in education. However, we can say that the program has tried to boost confidence, especially in women as it helped in stopping and reducing educational stereotypes that previously faced women reducing their confidence both in class and sporting activities. About 3 million teen girls are playing high school are in sports thanks to the Title IX, and this simply means that many of the girls have gained more self-confidence, becoming more outgoing as they are provided with equal chances to men. The full potential is yet to be realized, and thus, in my case, the complete confidence has not yet been achieved.