Topic selection and rational

Proficient Effective Developing Needs Improvement Not Attempted Total Possible

Topic selection and rational Identifies a focused and manageable topic with a clear, thoughtful rationale that is supported by the literature. (5) Identifies a focused and manageable topic with a clear rationale that has some support in literature. (4) Identifies a topic that may not be supported by the literature. (3) Identifies a topic that is far too general or otherwise unmanageable, or that has little support in the literature. (2) Does not clearly identify a topic/purpose for this study. (0) 5

Title Page Includes student’s name, title of the paper, and running header. (5) Missing no more than one of the ‘proficient’ level components. (4) N/A Missing two or more components for APA title page (2) Paper does not have a title page. (0) 5

Sources of information Thoroughly analyzes and carefully evaluates information from course text and at least 2 scholarly sources of information (15) Engages in some analysis and evaluation of information from course text and 2 scholarly sources of information. (13) Describes relevant information from scholarly sources but fails to incorporate information from at least one required source (9) Demonstrates an attempt to use sources to support writing; however, information may not be relevant and/or source(s) not scholarly (6) Fails to include related information from the course or scholarly sources. (0) 15

Methods Section Thoroughly addresses all methodological elements including participants, materials, and task procedures. There is enough information provided that this research project could easily be replicated. (10) Includes most methodological components; however, some details are missing which may make replication somewhat challenging. (8) Critical elements of the methodology are missing, only partially explained, or unrelated to the proposed project, reflecting an unfocused methods section. (6) Methodology is not developed or is unrelated to the proposed project. (4) Fails to include methods section. (0) 10

Results Section – Results & Participant Responses Thoroughly describes results and participant responses with elaboration. (10) Clearly describes results and participant responses. (8) Briefly describes either results or participant responses. (6) Results section is incomplete or unrelated to the overall project. (4) Fails to include results section. (0) 10

Discussion Section – Conclusions & Implications Conclusions are logical and reflect student’s informed evaluations. Limitations of this project are explored and potential solutions presented. (10) Conclusions or implications are logical and reflect student’s informed evaluations. Limitations are acknowledged. (8) Conclusions or implications are stated but may not be logical nor reflect student’s informed evaluation. Limitations may not be acknowledged. (6) Conclusions or implications are not clearly or logically stated. Limitations are not acknowledged. (4) Fails to include Discussion section. (0) 10

Discussion Section – Discuss & Evaluate Outcomes Thoroughly summarizes results and integrates the findings with existing literature in a way that adds to overall mastery of the field. (15) Adequately summarizes results and integrates the findings with existing literature. (13) Adequately summarizes results but fails to substantively integrate findings with existing literature. (9) Does not adequately summarize results or integrates finding with existing literature. (6) Fails to compare results with existing literature. (0) 15

Mechanics Free of mistakes in grammar or spelling; language is consistently professional and original. (10) A few minor mistakes in grammar or spelling; language is usually professional and original. (8) Five to ten mistakes in grammar or spelling that result in some awkwardness or distraction for the reader; language is inconsistent. (6) Ten or more mistakes in grammar or spelling throughout, making document difficult to read; language is not professional or not original. (4) Significant spelling and/or grammar mistakes; inappropriate and awkward phrasing throughout. (0) 10

APA Style Thoroughly incorporates APA style in organization, content, and formatting, as appropriate, without error throughout manuscript. (5) Incorporates APA style in organization, content, and formatting, as appropriate, with only a few minor errors. (4) Incorporates APA style in organization, content, and formatting but with several omissions. (3) Incorporates only a few elements of APA style; consistent organization or formatting is not apparent throughout manuscript. (2) Does not adhere to APA formatting. (0) 5

APA Citations Consistently and accurately included in-text citations and full references. (5) Minor formatting errors noted within in-text citations and/or reference page. (4) Numerous formatting errors noted within in-text citations and/or reference page. (3) Attempts to cite sources but fails to use APA formatting style. (2) Fails to cite sources and/or does not include scholarly information. (0) 5

Length Paper is between 3 and 5 full pages in length (5) N/A N/A Paper is less than 3 or more than 5 full pages in length. (1) N/A 5

Self-Evaluation / Rubric Submitted a graded rubric demonstrating thorough completion of project (5) N/A Submitted a graded rubric; however, not completed fully and/or accurately (3) N/A Did not submit a rubric with final assignment (0) 5

Total Points Possible = 100