Topics approved were

Topics approved were:

Investigating the Effects of Gun Control Measures on the Level of Violence Crimes in the US

Investigating the Reliability of Eyewitness Testimony in Law Courts

Instructor to assure that the topic is appropriate and acceptable. After getting the topic approved by the professor, the student will spend significant time gathering information, facts, figures and so forth needed to actually write a high quality research paper.

Students enrolled in this course will select a suitable research topic and clear it with the ins

I expect a 25 page research paper of true academic quality as the end product. This length DOES NOT include a reference page/pages that I expect will be attached at the end of the actual research paper. The paper should be done in 12 font, double-spaced, and follow APA referencing guidelines.

Please feel free to contact me should you need additional guidance, instructions, or help.

ALL papers are DUE on 30 November 2022. I will automatically lower your grade if the paper is tardy or late. Since you have an entire semester to work on this research paper, please do not wait until the last minute to begin your research and write your paper.

DO NOT DOWNLOAD A PAPER FROM THE INTERNET and present it to me as original work performed by you!! This has happened in the past….Do not do it!!