CASE WORKER (your name):

Case Identification Number: 400281-JH4

JUVENILE’S FULL NAME: Rosalind Joanne Mendoza


SEX: Female

RACE: Hispanic


Other names used: Rosie

Youth’s current residence: 426 Blueridge Avenue

Social security number: 502-78-6645


Rosie has never been in any treatment center, she has been living with her mother, grandmother and step farther.


Rosie was an adjudicated delinquent. She has been arrested for stealing make up from the Target store with her friends. She was taken into police custody and later released to her mother after the incident


Early childhood history

Rosie was raised by two parents till the age of 11 when her father and mother divorced. The father moved back to Mexico Her mother remarried and Rosie leaves with the step father.

Medical history

Rosie’s medical history is unavailable

Emotional and mental health history

Rosie revealed to her counselor that she suffered abuse in the hands of his father till the age of 10. There are no formal reports about the incident because Rosie seems to have never reported. Her mental evaluation revealed she is suffering from Post-Traumatic Disorder consistent with the physical abuse that she suffered in the hand of the father.

Description of youth (How parents/legal guardian perceive youth’s attitudes and behavior patterns.)

Rosie’s mother does not seem to understand Rosie’s behavior. According to her she thinks Rosie is just a child who is rebellious. She dismisses Rosie’s action as mere acts of a child acting out yet it should be an indication that Rosie needs help. Rosie has slit her arms times severally but her mother seems not to think this is anything.


Father’s name: Penelope Morales

Mother’s name: Horatio Mendoza

Siblings and ages: 1, 2-year-old

Legal guardian (if applicable):

Family income: $86,436

Impression of family functioning

Evaluation of parent/legal guardians (positive/negative relationship, approach to disciplining, etc.)

Her mother does not really seem like they have a close relationship with the daughter. She is always in confrontation with her and she thinks Rosie only want attention. The rules which Rosie abides with at home are not really clear. Her mother also uses corporal punishment to punish her or locking Rosie in her room in order to keep her under control.

Family’s financial resources (benefits, veterans, Social Security, welfare, etc.)

The source of the family’s financial resources comes from running in house baby-sitting service operated by the mother and grandmother while the step-father works as a general contractor.

Family history of medical and mental health

Family’s history of both medical and mental health has not been mentioned.


Verbal aggression Yes

Run away behavior No

Self-injurious behavior or suicidal ideation Yes

Homicidal behavior or ideation No

Promiscuity Yes

Gang involvement Yes

Fire setting No


Describe nature and extent of behavior below (Detail any behavior-related hospitalizations):

Teachers have reported instances of verbal aggression between the school staff and the students with Rosie. She has cut her arm severally with a pocket knife and used the blood to write die. Her mother has reported that Rosie steals the step father’s condom and may actually be sexually active. When she was arrested at Target Store she was with two of her friends.


Alcohol: no

Tobacco: No

Illegal or Prescription Drug Misuse: No

Describe nature and extent of behavior below (Detail any treatment):


Last school attended and grade completed

She is currently in Rowan County Middle School

Level of scholastic performance

She is in Middle school


Specific skills needed from TFC parent for dealing with juvenile

A parent who is kind and loving but also understand how to instill discipline to a child in a way they understand their mistake

Specific services needed for dealing with juvenile (SPECIFY MEDICAL, MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT, SUBSTANCE ABUSE, EDUCATIONAL, ETC.)


Cultural, religious, and other special considerations for placement


Placement recommendation (SELECT ONE)

Own home natural mother and/or father

Own home legal guardian

Treatment foster care


Rosie seems to be a good girl and her behavior has been contributed by the abuse she suffered and the family setting. Children who are often raised in a home they seem not to get enough love from both parents or even one parent may grow up to become rebellious or exhibit behaviors of delinquency. A parent plays a major role in the life of their child in determining how the child will turn out to be and their behavior as well. A parent’s role in the life of their children includes providing encouragement as well as giving them emotional support. Rosie did not get this kind of love as she suffered physical abuse from her father and her mother does not also seem really present in her life.

Rosie does not also seem to have a parent or a guardian in her life that can help supervise or monitor her behavior according to her mother one way she is able to control Rosie is by beating her or locking her in her room. Researchers have established that in order to instill discipline in a child, just canning them may not help. They need to understand what they actually did wrong and that one needs to rectify on that behavior. Locking up a child in a room does not in any way instill discipline, however, it may make a child even more rebellious as they may feel they do not get the kind of love they deserve or rather their parents hates them (Zabin, 2013). Her mother does not also seem to monitor Rosie’s action and behaviors because of the less attachment they have with each other.

Rosie’s home dies not also have ground rules on how one can act. As parents it is important to set certain rules for your children as they grow up and keep changing or expanding as they grow (Kaye, 2015). For example, a parent may set up are rule such as a reasonable time the child should be at home, this is an example of monitoring your child so that you may know where they are or the company of friends. As a parent, it is important to know your children’s friend as they will highly contribute in building or breaking your child’s behavior (Brokenleg, 2009). You can let your child bring over her friends or meet with the friend’s parents in order to know where your child will be when they say they are their friend’s place.

Rosie’s Post Traumatic Disorder Has been contributed by physical abuse that she endured while in the hands of the father. She needs professional help in order for her to have a clear and mental space. Her self-harming act may also be due to the PTSD and may also be feeling depressed or overwhelmed with life. Researchers have pointed out children who have had difficult background such as abusive parents or neglecting parents are highly likely to become suicidal or self-harm as a way of relieving the pain that they have (Filipas, 2009). People who have been diagnosed with PTSD are likely to engage in self harm than those without.

Rosie needs a home that she can be given all the love and care while getting her professional help. Her counselor has pointed out she is a capable student and with the right kind of help she may excel in her study and change her rebellious act. This why I recommend the Treatment Foster Care where she can get all these. There is program in place that help delinquents that may be appropriate for her for example going for psychotherapy. That will help her deal with her mental and emotional problems.


Brokenleg, Martin. (2009). “Raising respectful children.” reclaiming children and youth 14.: 85.

Filipas, Henrietta H., and Sarah E. Ullman. (2008). “Child sexual abuse, coping responses, self-blame, posttraumatic stress disorder, and adult sexual revictimization.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 21.5: 652-672.

Kaye, Kenneth. (2015). Family rules: Raising responsible children. iUniverse.

Zabin, Miriam A., and Barbara G. Melamed. (2013). “Relationship between parental discipline and children’s ability to cope with stress.” Journal of Behavioral Assessment 2.1: 17-38.