Tricks in Making Movie

Tricks in Making Movie


A chick flick is a movie projected for and marketed to females, with characters, themes and events more probable to appeal to women than men. Chick flicks consists of romantic comedies and tale types focused around a girl’s defeat or lover. Emotional movies and idiotic love stories are categorized into chick flicks while a guy movie is aimed for and marketed to males, with themes, characters and events more probable to appeal to men than women.

Guy movies consist of manliness, toughness and how one can easily handle women. A good guy movie embraces sex, comedy, confidence and fighting. Action, sports, war, crime and gangster are considered guy movies. Chick flicks have more dialogs while guy movies have more explosives. Most chick flicks consists of a lot of crying and hugging that results from women wanting to resolve conflicts. In life men simply don’t understand a woman’s ongoing love affair with chick flicks. Sense and Sensibility, Bend It like Beckham, While You Were Sleeping, Joy Luck Club and Little Women are examples of chick flicks while Chris Hemsworth’s movie and James Bond are guy movies.

Hollywood uses trick in his plot, setting, music and graphic arts in order to win his target audience. At a first glance, most guys can tell the difference between films directed toward them and films that are geared toward women. The films have all of the characteristics that make them seem like guy movies (sex, large objects being blown up, sports, wild action scenes, unbelievably hot women), but in reality they are really just giant romantic mush-fests. For example, every guy has wanted to be Tom Cruise in Cocktail at some point in his life.