Type Title of Paper in Full (2)

Type Title of Paper in Full

Type Your Name Here

College Name

Course number: Name


Due Date

Title in Full

Use this template to help you format your essay. Make sure to change the title page to fit your work. Change the headings, if necessary to align with your points. Also be sure to delete all of this text after you have read it so that only your actual essay is on this. This will be the body of your paper. Each new paragraph is indented one tab. The entire body of your paper will be double-spaced. This includes the “References” page at the end. Do not forget that you will need to include an in-text citation every time you quote, paraphrase, or summarize an outside source of information. This is very important. Each item that you include an in-text citation for must also be listed in your reference list. Avoid direct quotes if you can and, instead, paraphrase in your own words.

This first section is your introduction. It is generally one paragraph and ends with your thesis statement. Remember, that thesis statement sets up the main points that you are about to make in the paragraphs of your essay. Every paragraph must be 3 or more sentences in APA style. Avoid contractions in your writing (e.g., “you’re” should be “you are”)

Description of Toy

Describe the toy in this section. Note that this first line is indented but the rest is not. Cite your sources as you use their information in APA style.

Physical or Psychosocial Needs

Note that you only need to choose physical OR psychosocial here. Make sure that your heading for this section aligns with the area you are writing about. Do not forget to layer in support from your research and to cite those sources!

Cognitive Needs

Your point three topic sentence is here with the support in the paragraph to follow. Support your points and cite those sources!


Your point four topic sentence is here with the support in the paragraph to follow. Suggest changes to the toy that would help it to address some need(s) from this age group. Also address how this change would support that need. It should not be something like “This should come in more colors.” It should tie directly to one of the areas of development (physical, cognitive, psychosocial) and should include APA style citations.


Here you have a concluding paragraph that wraps everything up in at least 5 sentences. *Do not forget your reference entries on the next page. Be sure that you have cited IN-TEXT as you have used information from sources throughout your essay. Remember that you need to cite information you use from sources. This is even when you paraphrase. You need to have a citation that includes the author’s last name and the year. For example, it would look like this (Hansen, 2022). Be sure to see the next 2 pages of this template for your references and the appendix.


Author, A. A., Author B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume(issue), page-page. doi:x.xxxx/xxxx-xxxx.xx.x.xxx

Author, D.D. (year, Month day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper, https://newspaper.homepage

Author, E.E., & Author, F.F. (year). Title of book. Publisher.

Author, G.G., & Author, H.H. (year, Month day). Title of document. https://www.xxxxxxx

Your references will be listed alphabetical by author’s last name. They will not be indented the same way as the body of your paper. Each reference will have a “hanging indent,” like this paragraph is written. This guide shows how to create different types of reference entries: https://national.libguides.com/apa_7th/reference

**Delete all of the information on this page that is NOT information regarding your source(s).


Insert image of the toy here.