Unless environment is related to ethics, no organization will think of giving this so much of importance

Unless environment is related to ethics, no organization will think of giving this so much of importance, environmental sustainability refers to the mission of nurture and nature .businesses need to have a responsibility to the environment in which they operate and make profits. They have to give back to nature what they have taken from it. This is ethics to take care of the environment. Unless business, ethics and environment are put together it becomes meaningless for organizations to have a corporate responsibility charter. The CSR not only speaks of responsibility to stakeholders and ethical to them but also towards sustainability of the environment. Unless business performs ethical functions they will not be tackle the environmental issues that crop up and so sustainability can happen only when business is ethical and socially responsible. Ethically responsible actions always bring in greater credibility to working of organizations and hence will be able to give back what they receive. This ensures that the environment sustainability happens regularly and becomes a part of corporate vision. Organizations need to incorporate ethical and CSR charters into their philosophy to make them accountable to performances across parameters of functioning. Code of ethics is very important in workplace environment. The code of ethics that one incorporates into the organization is an exhibition of personal ethical vision. Unless mangers have this ethical bent of mind it will not be possible to bring in a code of ethics to workplace. The corporate social responsibility charter that has been painstakingly prepared is a part of adherence to strict rule of corporate governance and every act of my organization has been attuned to meet this end. While evolving such work place culture it is important to understand that there are no biases and prejudices while dealing with internal environment and external environment. There are strict policies for disclosures and transparency in working. The organization has to also ensure that there are good systems of internal controls.