Unsung Heroes, Raymond

Unsung Heroes, Raymond

Raymond was not a popular kid in my neighborhood. In fact, few people paid attention to Raymond. He was that weird young boy that rarely spoke unless it is necessary, and did not pick up a fight with other boys. He, however, grew to become stronger than most of us. He would not give up on his dreams, and nothing would deter him from achieving his goals. Raymond and I became close friends, and he later became my mentor. There was no computer software he did not understand, and understood all the logical operations of any electronics device. He is not a genius he just does not give up on anything that interests him. We played with him computer games, and at the time, he would teach me how to operate weird computer programs. He told me that one could do anything they want by faith and little attitude.

He knew my interests in school and knew that there were times I would struggle. There was one day that I told him of the challenges that I was facing at school. I was not expecting sympathy, but neither yelling. He could not understand why I was giving up on my dreams because of a challenge. According to him, challenges are the things that keep people going. He said that we would study together, and he would assist me with my work. Despite my struggles continuing, I would find a way to excel, and soon challenges did not matter. I learnt that being brave is what made the strong men that I read about from history books. Not many people know this, but Raymond is my mentor, and it his advises that make me strong.