Using Class work to make Portfolio About Myself.


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Using Class work to make Portfolio About Myself.

Initial question 1: What do I value most in life?

Initial Question 2: What is my career goal?

Initial Question 3: What am I most curious about?

While reading through the Cap Portfolio instructions, and resume, I reflected upon the approved portfolio items I choose from in the previous assignment. I came up with three questions as they easily make up my portfolio. While I feel I did a good job in writing the resume cover letter, and video-selfie tasks, I can polish and revise them a bit. The above three questions can easily tell about my portfolio. To answer the questions, I value family, friendships, honesty, and life itself most. Family is everything for me and I feel we should love our family a lot. Friendships are what keeps me going, especially in the face of problems. It is good to know there is someone to talk to and rely on during the worst times of life. My career goal is to use my knowledge, skills, and expertise for the betterment of society. I am most curious about the tomorrow and what the world has in store for us.