UTHealth scholarship

UTHealth scholarship

Nursing has been my great interest, not only learning but also practicing, and therefore this imminent opportunity provides me with an opportunity to pursue my course. My interest has always been to enhance my nursing in anatomy and physiology with the hope of one day. I will be able to do what I have always wished for. Through anatomy and physiology, I expect to understand more about the human body and how it operates. I expect to learn about different diseases and how they can be expelled from the human body.

Through this course, I expect to be even more productive in my practical work as a nurse and even more beneficial to the world by researching different medications and understanding different diseases to know how to avoid them. I especially hope to carry out a lot of research in anatomy and help those with walking or functional anomaly related to their anatomy. This I expect to be one of my greatest ventures into this field. Even though there are present ways, I hope to improve on them and make the lives of those I interact with better every day. Therefore the scholarship will be of very much importance to me as it will help me get right into my dream studies and later career to helping the world at large.