Version of the group project

Version of the group project

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Task 1 – your version of the group project (or if needed your individual idea)

Use the assessment guide criteria as a basis for content structure. Write the report to dICE so include an introduction / conclusion to set the scene for the report.

Group Project

Start to add detail to the project – what and how will you implement this idea?

Task list – start to build the list as per last week

What cycle of activities are forming?

How long is a cycle?

How is prep work versus delivery managed?

What levels of labour do you think you need?

Look at Brimbank EBA salary scales

How much labour – based on task list and patterns of operation


A formal report is to be submitted by the due date. Excluding appendices the report should be 1,500-2,000 words. The report is a modified version of the initial planning process. Its aim is for each student to prepare a business type report that documents this early planning. The aims of this assessment task are to:

  • Provide the opportunity for you individually to describe the initial project ideas being developed by the project team
  • Provide a ‘dry run’ at describing and justifying the initial project ideas to a management audience.
  • Provide a ‘formal document’ that can feed back to the group planning.

Task 1 submission may focus on one of these subprojects/ideas. This report should be written to the management team and should address the following information.

  • Project objectives: what is the aim of your approach to the broad outreach problem
  • Deliverables: base this on the form F2 and determine what the product/deliverable will be from the project planning. This starts to describe aspects of the detail of your project (for example outlining a remote, mobile access point for the library collection)
  • Justification: Why has this approach been suggested? What benefits does it offer the organisation / users / community group?
  • Stakeholders/intended users: use the demographic information from the course website to identify and justify the potential users of your project response. The course will outline a model for stakeholder analysis and you should also identity the stakeholders who may influence your project development.
  • Project scope and exclusions: what will it focus on and what will be excluded or left out (for example, displaying parts of the library collection on a train station may focus only on fiction material and only at certain times of the day).

The report allows you to describe your project idea in some detail. It also asks you to justify the idea by considering who the potential users are and determining an estimate of need based on demographic information. While each member of your project team may be describing the same project response, the report allows for academic staff to provide feedback on how the project descriptions and justifications can be adapted for the finals business report.

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