Video Analysis

Video Analysis

Student’s Name

Department of Affiliation




In both videos, it is clear that different rhetoric appeals have been used to facilitate the passing of the intended messages to the viewers. There are also similarities in the message being passed by both clips and there are also a number of differences. These videos are highly inspiring especially to the public. As a result, it is wise to carry out an analysis on both clips in an attempt to develop a general message combined from both the clips. It should also be noted that in both clips, different rhetoric appeals have been used. The following is a comparison and a contrast of the two video clips in an attempt to get the message being passed to be fully understood across the globe.

To begin with, those clips are talking of moments in sports when individuals are down. These are times in which many participants including the spectators at the stands give up and count the game as lost. But both clips encourage us that it is never over until the sport is timed out. To be precise, the first clip talks about the fact that things do not always go as we expect, that sometimes things go differently from our anticipations but it advices that when this happens, we should always find a way through. It further inspires us that when we are held back and not taken seriously, then we will go farther and harder and find a way to prove them wrong, these motivations are similar to those in the second clip which invigorates us into achieving our best by never backing down. The clip heartens us to always be optimistic, in the clip, we are told that even when we are at a time when all seems to be over, we should always find a way to gather strength to keep fighting on.

In addition to never giving up, both clips encourage us to believe in ourselves and possibly in our teammates. We are told in the second clip that even when we are in moments of brokenness and hopelessness, at the time when nobody including ourselves never thought we could make it, during the instances when no one would give us any chances, we still figured out ways to keep going, ways to make it through and come back from what was thought to be impossible, we somehow found the last bits of strength to keep going and it’s out of this little motivations that we managed to achieve every big thing that we had once thought was beyond our accomplishment. We are encouraged to always find a way to return even at times when we seem to have been long forgotten.

Furthermore, both clips inspire us of generally doing greater good for the sake of the whole globe. To point out, the first clip talks of making the world a better place being our responsibility now. This is similar to the second clip which urges and tell us that currently we are fighting for something bigger than a mere win or championship, in other words, it is telling us about improving the world and its conditions from the sports sector, it points out that we are not only competing for ourselves and the rewards, but we are competing for everyone, thus concurring with the first clip.

Despite the similarities named above, there are also differences noted in both clips, occasionally, in the first clip, the spirit of togetherness is strongly emphasized. We can see the group leaders of various teams leading them in chants to psych them up, for individual players, two bodies of different athletes are put together a left and right side put together signifying the bringing together of efforts from different individuals to ensure victory. We are encouraged to work as a team, the video inspires us to always come together even when the encounters are tough, and it is out of these unity that we will find solutions that we act as springboards to put us up again. This is unlike in the second video clip which encourages us to just keep going, it focuses on effort from a single person who has to overcome the odds and pull through a given achievement. A good example is when the athlete falls just close to the finishing line and no one comes to support him and instead has to crawl and pull himself to the finishing line. Therefore the second clip differs with the first as it just motivate us to never be pinned down by ongoing situations and to always find a way through with or without support.

Moreover, the first clip used ethos to enhance its communication and the viewers’ understanding of the message. The characters in the video are identified by the character whose main feature is unity and team work. Ethos entails development an appeal basing on the character of the speaker. This is unlike in the second clip where pathos is used; this is where an appeal is made up basing on emotions. For instance, in the second clip we see individuals who are frustrated and disappointed due to injuries among other reasons. It can be noted that in the second clip, the focus is on individual efforts who give in their best to make sure they achieve their aspirations. This is unlike in the first clip where it is teamwork that seems to bring out unbelievable accomplishments.
