Voting rights The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed to end historic discrimination against African-Americans at the polls. In 2013, a court ruled that states singled out by the law no longer had to clear voting changes with the federal government. In

Essay 2: Voting rights
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed to end historic discrimination against African-Americans at the polls. In 2013, a court ruled that states singled out by the law no longer had to clear voting changes with the federal government. In recent years, Voter ID laws have been passed to respond to allegations of voter fraud.
This assignment is very simple: In 1,000-1,500 words, explain whether Voter ID laws violate the Voting Rights Act. 
Essays will be graded on:
1. Understanding of the Voting Rights Act.
2. Understanding how Voter ID works (if you choose one state to focus upon, be sure to write how that state’s law works)
3. Clarity of your position (you can argue either way).
4. Use of outside sources to support your position (some are listed below)—in-favor-of-nd-s/article_b34c5550-d084-5b56-8288-d7efca3ef2fe.html#tracking-source=home-trending
Additionally, grammar and usage errors that get in the way of comprehension will result in a lower grade.
Essays that discuss any other topic other than voter ID and voting rights will get an F.