Argument Research Paper;The following questions relate to Chua’s article: 1) To get the benefits of raising “math whizzes and music prodigies,” Chue writes, a parent must pay the costs, which she lists in a series of bullet points. Reread her list. In you

Every student should begin their argument research by reading Amy Chua’s piece starting on page 269: “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom.”
Each essay after that responds to Chua’s argument.
The following questions relate to Chua’s article:
1) To get the benefits of raising “math whizzes and music prodigies,” Chue writes, a parent must pay the costs, which she lists in a series of bullet points. Reread her list. In your view, are the costs worth the benefits? Explain.
2) Chua clearly states why she’s so vigilant as a parent. “Chinese parents understand…that nothing is fun until you’re good at it. To get good at anything you have to work, and children on their own never want to work, which is why it is crucial to override their preferences.” The key element of this argument is the assumption that “children on their own never want to work.” Do you agree? Discuss your own motivation to work hard. To what extent does your motivation come from within? To what extent have others pushed you to achieve? [You can answer one part or all of these questions, as long as you set up your essay as an argument.]
“Amy Chua is a Wimp” by David Brooks
1) After reading the article by Brooks, determine if his situation is more challenging than Chua’s. If so, how?
Is Chua the one who is taking on more of a challenge than Brooks? How? Why?
2) Do you agree that Chua is, in effect, short-changing her daughters by denying them play dates and sleepovers (that is, socially complex activities) in favor of intense, solitary study?
“Whatever Happened to the Original Tiger Mum’s Children? by Tanith Carey
1) Isn’t it true that some [many?] children don’t know the heights they can reach because they’ve never been pushed hard enough to reach a lofty goal? If true, explain how and why. If not true, explain.
“Tiger Mother Stirs Reflections on Parenthood” by Tina Griego
Set up your own argument question here.
“Tiger Mom vs. Tiger Mailroom” Patrick Goldstein
1) Goldstein points to many ambitious self-starters in the movie industry. Some never finished college; others never attended. Yet
these people succeed on a grand scale, [See Jennifer Lawrence’s interview on 60 Minutes] working from the bottom of the industry, up. What would you say to a friend or son or daughter who quit college just four credits shy of a degree (as one of these self-starters did) to take a job in the movie industry? 
2) Goldstein offers “a radically different perspective [than Chua’s] on the relationship between higher education and career achievement.” Which perspective on this relationship appeals to you more, the Hollywood perspective or Chua’s? Why?
America’s Top Parent by Elizabeth Kolbert
1) Kolbert raises a common objection to Chua’s style of parenting: that it promotes rote memorization at the expense of critical thinking and reflection. What do you think? Are you for or against rote memorization? If not, what is the better alternative?
“Your Perfectionist Parenting Style May Be Detrimental to Your Child” by Ariana E. Cha
1) We learn in this selection that “maladaptive perfectionism” can have pernicious effects on children and teens. If you are a perfectionist or know anyone who is, have you witnessed any of these pernicious effects? How can perfectionism be a positive quality? When does it shade into something darker? Is perfectionism a good or bad quality? Why or why not?
2) You don’t get to choose–but if you did choose a parent, would you prefer one who was overly intrusive or one who showed little or no interest in your work? Why? Argue for or against one type of parent.
3) A psychologist in Singapore advises parents to “[l]et children make mistakes.” Is this sound advice, in your view? Discuss. Argue yes or no.
See page 293 on how to set up your argument. Keep in mind you do not have to synthesize two arguments into one. Read Chua’s and one other argument to work into your response. You will need two quotes and two entries on your work cited.

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