Business intelligence and decision support systems

Business intelligence and decision support systems

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Course and project details:


  • This is the description of the problem to solve in your courseterm project. Pay attention to the points that you need to connect. The problem is a very current one. You have to work with open data. big data and to find the way to use it for solving a problem about services.
  • ( This is the link for machine learning)

Please do not forget to register for Teradata

  • The final report should be 2500-3000 words maximum. Use MS-Word, Arial 11
  • Project 1 concepts:

Decision support systems, Decision Making, Data warehousing, Data mining, Data visualization, predictive modeling, Text analytics, web analytics

Please download KNIME and the documents to start with it. We are going to use this tool in our course

  • Your project is about BI/DSS for supporting Risk Management. You can select any of these possible areas:

Financial Risk

Healthcare Risk

Operational/service Rsk

Strategic Risk

Society/Community Risk

Country Risk

Internet/Web/Mobile Risk

International Trading Risk

You must use KNIME to create a prototype of the DSS/Expert System for the project

  • Book resource for this course

  • Teradata university center

  • Guide to develop project

Use the figures that I have posted on Moodle plus the ones in this document. The most important is to understand how BI and Decision Support System can help the company that you have selected to work with. These are questions that will help you to find the best description of the solution/system.

Questions that you need to work on:

  1. What information is provided by the descriptive analytics employed at your organization?
  2. What were the business challenges or opportunities that organization was facing? What were the main business challenges?
  3. Describe the complexity and the competitive nature of the business environment in which your organization functions.
  4. What type of support is provided by the predictive analytics employed at your organization?
  5. How does prescriptive analytics help in business decision making?
  6. In what ways can actionable information be reported in real time to concerned users of the system?
  7. In what other situations might real-time monitoring applications be needed?
  8. What is traditional reporting? How is it used in the organization?
  9. How can analytics be used to transform the traditional reporting?
  10. How can interactive reporting assist organizations in decision making?
  11. Who are the users of the analytics tools?
  12. What kind of dashboards they have?
  13. How does visualization help in decision making?
  14. What are the significant results achieved by the use of specialized BI apps, software?
  15. What are the desired functionalities of a reporting tool?
  16. What advantages were derived by using a reporting tool in your company?
  17. How is predictive analytics applied in your organization?
  18. How do visualizations aid in understanding the data and delivering insights into the data?
  19. What is a classification problem in your organization?
  20. What can be derived by performing sequence analysis?
  21. How can analytical techniques help organizations to retain competitive advantage?
  22. How can descriptive and predictive analytics help in pursuing prescriptive analytics?
  23. What kind of prescriptive analytic techniques are employed in the case study?
  24. Are the prescriptive models once built good forever?
  25. Is your organization using Big Data analytics?
  26. Why did your organization need an enterprise-wide data warehouse?
  27. How did integrated data drive the business value?
  28. With integrated data available in an enterprise data warehouse, what other applications could your organization potentially develop?
  29. What are some of the key questions to be asked in supporting decision making through DSS?
  30. What lessons should be kept in mind for successful model implementation?

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