Civil Rights March book or Japanese Internment

 1. The Civil Rights Movement was marked by great victories as well as some bitter defeats. Along the way there were key moments in the movement that were important turning points. What, in your opinion, were the three key moments of the Civil Rights Movement? Please choose one event from each volume of March and explain why you think it was crucial to the outcome of the Civil Rights movement. Then you need to explain how your events were portrayed in the comic books. Finally, you need to explain both the accomplishments of the CRM as well as what still needs to be done today. Your paper should look something like this: Introduction—Brief summary of the series March. Your introduction should end in a sentence something like. “During the Civil Rights Movement, there were three central events that would greatly impact the movement. First there was A, and then there was B, and finally there was C. These three events shaped the CRM.” Body–First paragraph of the “Body” Event A Explain what A was. Explain why you think A was important. Second paragraph Event A was portrayed this way on page X in Volume 1 (explain how it was portrayed). Your critique of that portrayal. Was it effective? If yes, WHY was it effective? Could it have been portrayed differently? Was there one panel that evoked very strong feelings in you? What was the author’s or artists’ intent? Third through sixth paragraph… do the same for events B and C. Conclusion—Should be similar to the introduction. You should explain why you chose A,B and C. You should also explain what you felt was the success or failure of the CRM. Finally, March suggests the inauguration of President Barack Obama was almost the fulfilment of the Civil Rights Movement. Does the election of an African American mean the Civil Rights Movement has succeeded? If so, what does the election of Donald Trump suggest about racial equality in the United States? 2. The United States of America has a right to defend itself against all enemies foreign,AND domestic. The nation of Japan launched a sneak attack on the U.S. In an effort to protect the innocent people of the U.S., President Roosevelt rightly ordered the evacuation and relocation of Japanese people living along the West Coast of this country. A nation has the right to protect itself from its enemies. Just like Roosevelt was justified in removing the Japanese from sensitive areas of the West Coast, President Trump is just as justified in ordering a ban on Muslims immigrating into this country. A nation has a right to protect itself. In a dangerous world, sometimes harsh measures are necessary to preserve the American way of life. Do you agree or disagree with this interpretation of the Japanese Internment? Please discuss the Japanese Internment and the balance between Civil Rights and National Security. Do you think something like the Japanese Internment could happen in the United States again? I want you to chose either one of them i prefer the first one if you have read March books that are very easy and very fast to read in couple of hours. The material for first question is the March book and a lecture that i will upload for you depending on which topic you choose and the online book chapters 24 to 27 for both questions. The second question material in this online book for free chapters 24-27 and a lecture that i will upload for you depending on which question you choose.