Cyber threats

 For this professional writing assignment, you are to produce a mini intelligence estimate on a cyber threats and the capabilities threatening to the United States. Conduct sufficient research to address the criteria below, and write an intelligence brief of about 1000 words (1.5 or double spaced). Be sure to provide citations as appropriate for material taken from sources.The intelligence brief should answer the following questions: Context and Background of the Threat: Who is doing what, when, where, how? Credibility: Are the sources of the information reliable and accurate? Threat assessment: What are the time lines or parameters of threat? Homeland security relevance: Why is the threat relevant or important? Why is the threat relevant or important to the security of the U.S. Homeland? What aspects of American society, way of life, and values are threatened? Preparedness: How are current U.S. policy and/or organizations positioned to counter the threat? Recommendations: What changes are necessary to policy and/or organizations or responsibilities to counter the Threat?Your brief should be presented, following professional standards, as a Bottom-Line Up Front (BLUF) that includes following attributes: Important information or the punch line. Here are the facts. For example, “Iran is planning terrorist attacks in the United States.” Current status. Here is the current information on the punch line. For example, “Iranian suspect was arrested in DC yesterday.” Solution. What steps might be taken to address the situation. Explanation: The reasons that lead us to the important information.A sample BLUF document is attachedIn a short Annex, your submission should describe, in academic terms, the research that you conducted towards your intelligence brief: The basis of intelligence is the credibility of sources. Therefore, you need to conduct sufficient research including scholarly sources from the library and supported by Google Scholar searches, Congressional testimony, etc. The best place to start is with the current DNI Worldwide Threat Assessment. You should base your intelligence brief on sources from government, think tanks, and the academic sector, and spare use of media sources (only for emergent issues or counter points.)