Learning and Memory

Learning and Memory




Table of Contents

TOC o “1-3” h z u HYPERLINK l “_Toc58020888” Introduction PAGEREF _Toc58020888 h 3

HYPERLINK l “_Toc58020889” The nature of memory and brain development PAGEREF _Toc58020889 h 4

HYPERLINK l “_Toc58020890” Impact of Environment on psychological development PAGEREF _Toc58020890 h 5

HYPERLINK l “_Toc58020891” Learning and Memory development PAGEREF _Toc58020891 h 7

HYPERLINK l “_Toc58020892” Relationship between learning and behavior PAGEREF _Toc58020892 h 9

HYPERLINK l “_Toc58020893” References PAGEREF _Toc58020893 h 11


One of the key elements of growth identified in this documentary is the correlation between the value and nature of what people experience and its impacts on their cognitive development. The documentary brings new insights on how development and growth are at the center of the cognitive growth that a child attains over time. One of the most interesting ideas from the documentary is that growth is a process that is built around the environment that a person grows in and this determines their cognitive development. The article brings in new insights on the value and nature of what people experience and its impacts on their growth. The documentary sums up key aspects of brain development that define what and how a person perceives life. Learning as a lifetime process takes many forms and often triggered by the environment and the factors like the cognitive power. The environment plays key role in shaping how one develops ideas and thus redefies how learning takes placed in all aspects of life. The idea of having a strong learning process is always determined by the environment and thus the wholesome surroundings and the willingness to adopt new ideas. To make this easier, the value of learning in an integral environment demands that the mind must be triggered to take in new ideas. The speaker in the documentary notes that most people are able to make the right decisions and show good behaviour because they have learnt and exposed themselves to a positive environment. The mental aspects of learning in line with the derived values of cognitive development is a key part in assessing the way one acquires new ideas. The mind is the central pillar in the learning process and demands that the person must be inclined to adopting new ideas within the set environment. To add on this, the value of learning as a process must be hinged on the development of new frontiers in the idea generation and critical thinking. In a deeper outlook, the documentary is centered around the huma development and how the psychological growth is determined by the surroundings and experiences.

The nature of memory and brain development

The brain development is at the center of all psychological growth that a person attains in life and thus centered around the integral element of cognitive growth (Diaz, 2020). The documentary was very informative and well detailed as it brings insights that are deep and informative. Most importantly, the documentary creates the right tone and mood due to the speaker’s affluent and strong communication skills. One of the most clear thing about the documentary is that it does not only focus on the value of psychological and brand development but also shows the value and inclusive growth as part of the mental stability and ingenious ideas (Wijeakumar et al., 2019). The documentary touches on the value for a diverse and all-round psychological development that is rooted in the positive environment.

The documentary is well framed and planned to cover the main ideas and also carries the right ideas that point to what and how learning and brain development are correlated. The other major idea in the documentary is that the environment one is exposed to determines the way he or she learns and thus a key determiner of the modelling and inclusive brain development. The ideas raised in the documentary also depict that human behavior is a learning process that involves elaborate ideas and inclusive learning. To sum it up, the speaker seeks to clarify a very important idea related to learning and behavior. The documentary offers the book’s signature inclusion of human and non-human studies and full-color design and images.

The speaker is keen to underline the value of the physical environment to the growth of a person. The right approach to attain this is to have the right models that are viable and within the most appropriate context. learning and brain development are corelated and always related to what and how a person gains idea. Still, there is need to look at what and how learning is done in relation to the environment and the idea sharing. There is a great relationship between learning and brain development as already seen within the learning scope. The environment being a close value within the learning process has shown that there is need to have an integral value that comes with what one is exposed to during the development stages. For example, children who grow up in very congested neighbourhoods are likely to learn a lot of ideas that are contributed by the immediate environment. One of the most viable way to look at the environment and the learning process is to investigate how the cognitive development shapes one’s thinking and idea generation. Still, the need to assess the correlation between positive brain growth and mental capacity is vital when decoding the learning process. The documentary points to what the speaker refer to as a critical sate when the mind starts taking up key ideas and concepts. The speaker makes reference to what and how the brain is integrated to learn and take in new concepts. In a broader way the brain as the central learning part is responsible for what and where ideas are generated.

Impact of Environment on psychological developmentOne of the key aspects of development is related to the brain that determines the psychological aspect of growth. The environment plays a key role in the growth and development of the brain and thus a key part of a person’s growth (Gluck, Mercado, & Myers, 2016). Positive environment contributes to a strong mind and thus create the right outlets for ideas and good decisions. On the other hand, a negative environment that is not conducive for mental peace contributes to a weak memory and thus poor psychological development. The documentary points to a very distinct view by comparing how brain development and the psychological growth is rooted in the value and nature of the environment one grows in. In particular, the speaker narrates that the inclusive element of direct environment has a major impact on a young person. One of the most notable ideas raided in the documentary is that a positive environment triggers the brain to reflect and create that which is psychologically viable for positive ideas (Cassilhas et al., 2016). Through such positive impulses, the brain is strengthened to reason straight and thus key aspects of development are derived within the contemporal value for growth. The ideas raised in the documentary point to what scientists refer to as positive impulse triggered by what the brain is exposed to and the immediate environment.

On the other hand, the exposure to negative environment can harm the integral growth and development that is key to critical thinking (Wijeakumar et al., 2019). The speaker makes some comparison between the two types of environment where he points to what he refers to the direct impulse. The negative environment is hereby branded as a killer to the psychological growth and thus a bad energy to brain development. The documentary highlights some interesting views that shows that negative environment can harm the brain development mainly for a young person. The documentary sums up that the right environment is key to a strong psychological growth. In line with this observation, the speaker argues that the right environment is the root to good ideas, mature thinking, and strong decisions (Gluck, Mercado, & Myers, 2016). The documentary has well analyzed ideas that shows the comparison between the positive and negative environment and their effect on the psychological development.

The ability to generate new ideas and applying the new concepts form some of the most vital part of learning. The environment has a huge influence on the learning process that also shapes how people gain new ideas in life. Studies have shown that people are able to learn when they are in the conducive and right environment that shows that the surrounding have a huge influence in one’s life. Another perspective in the view of learning is the inclusive intake of ideas and applying the new concepts in life. To add on this, there is need to have an overall view of what and how the learning can be simplified. The overall goal of the learning process is to integrate the ideas within the most appropriate context. learning is thus a broad process that demand that all values are integrated within the right models. One of the most interesting ideas from the documentary is that growth is a process that is built around the environment that a person grows in and this determines their cognitive development. The article brings in new insights on the value and nature of what people experience and its impacts on their growth.

Learning and Memory development

The right memory is always the platform upon which learning takes place and thus cognitive growth. The documentary makes key observations that align with what he sees as direct correlation between the memory and ideas that surround what people build in their mind. The documentary is centered around the value for a good brain development to the inclusive value for what people can do to make sure that their memory grows strong and thus a positive psychological development (Dumontheil, 2016). In her view, the speaker narrates that the value of a good memory overshadows any obstacles as it only requires the person to induce the right thoughts and experiences to overcome any problem. The documentary has derived the right notions and ideas that show how good memory is the key to creating a strong learning process by acquiring ideas. The speaker shows that with good memory, one can induce the right learnings and thus able to remember things with ease. One of the key aspects of what people perceive is rooted in the value of good memory and thus the right thinking and idea development (Gluck, Mercado, & Myers, 2016).

The right memory development can only be proven through its ability to remember of generate ideas. One of the most notable ideas raised is the correlation between good thinking and the creative relationship between thinking and idea development (Kutlu & Gould, 2016). The documentary creates the right comparison by showing that ideas are generated from memories and experiences and this forms the root to what people generate as good ideas. The ideas raised in the documentary also depict that human behaviour is a learning process that involves elaborate ideas and inclusive learning. The documentary highlights some interesting views that shows that negative environment can harm the brain development mainly for a young person. One of the main ways to look at the effect of environment on learning process is to compare both positive and negative environment. The documentary points that the effect of environment begins right at an early age where an individual would have an incorporated values and ideas become memoires. The memory and ability to remember events and ideas is one of the most important part of cognitive development. The author shows that the brain as a core pat of the development has a key role to play in shaping one’s thinking capacity. In a broader view, the speaker has a well analyzed concept about the memory and idea development where the speaker compares different environments. The value to good growth and integrated elements of thinking and brain development are well decoded in the documentary. Still, the speaker makes an in-depth review of the impotence of good cognitive development in shaping how one thinks and generates ideas.

The core part is the relationship between positive thinking and broad idea generation that forms the liberal part of the thinking and memory. The documentary has bene framed to show how the brain is responsible to the creative values that define the one’s way of thinking and overall idea generation. In a broader outlook, the speaker argues that thinking and idea formation are the core part of what one forms as part of memories. The speaker even refers to the nature and impact of environment on the brain development and the ability of a person to learn new ideas. In a closer review, the documentary narrates the nature and value of positive environment in boosting fast and effective learning. Still, the speaker looks at the value and nature of learning process that is infeluce by how the person derives key ideas and concepts. The key value of the thinking process and memory retrieval shows that the mind is always active and its development is a continuous process. One of the core ideas raised by the speaker is that the mind as the centre of the thinking process is influenced by what and how the environment shapes one’s experiences. A conducive environment is the key to forming the right ideas and this also strengthens the mind to the right concepts. Still, the value of good memories and the inclusive ideas has shown that people tend to relate their experiences to what they come across and thus the mind takes that direction.

Relationship between learning and behavior

The learning concept as derived through observation and reading is one of the most viable tools for brain development. The behaviors that people adopt or portray are learnt over time and thus expressed through physical actions (Diaz, 2020). The speaker in the documentary notes that most people are able to make the right decisions and show good behavior because they have learnt and exposed themselves to a positive environment. Likewise, the value of learning and inclusive behavior expression is corelated and they influence the image of a person. One of the closest relations between learning and behavior is that the ideas gained through the process.

Additionally, the documentary offers elaborate explanations on why and how the mental strength should be rooted in a positive environment. The speaker is keen to underline the value of the physical environment to the growth of a person. The documentary brings in new ideas and shows the way the environment can determine how a child grows mentally and thus the overall psychological strength. One of the key ideas raised in the documentary is that learning and memory and inclusive and always determines the brain development. The speaker highlights very important ideas that are tied to the notion of a derived model that is common among many people.

One of the main rules highlighted by the author shows that memory learning is both derived from what people experience in their lifetime. As noted in the documentary, brain development is key to learning. The speaker makes a comparison between cognitive development and learnt behavior (Gluck, Mercado, & Myers, 2016). Additionally, the documentary shows that behavior learning takes time and is always tied to what people experience. One of the key elements of growth identified in this documentary is the correlation between the value and nature of what people experience and its impacts on their cognitive development. The documentary was very informative and interesting to watch as it brings insights that are deep and informative.

There is some considerable information but the speaker seeks to highlight in trying to show that behavior can be learnt directly or indirectly. The core part is the relationship between positive thinking and broad idea generation that forms the liberal part of the thinking and memory. The documentary has bene framed to show how the brain is responsible to the creative values that define the one’s way of thinking and overall idea generation. In a broader outlook, the speaker argues that thinking and idea formation are the core part of what one forms as part of memories. The other outlook is the way thinking is integrated to one’s experiences and environment thus forming the core part of cognitive development. The more one is exposed to positive environment, the brighter and stronger the thoughts and ideas. To broaden this concept, the speaker argues that memories are a reflection of what one has experienced and thus forms the core part of the broader cognitive pillar. The documentary sums up that the right environment is key to a strong psychological growth. The documentary has derived the right notions and ideas that show how good memory is the key to creating a strong learning process by acquiring ideas. The speaker shows that with good memory, one can induce the right learnings and thus able to remember things with ease.

HYPERLINK “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbLAGpQ9RXg” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbLAGpQ9RXg

Techniques to Enhance Learning and Memory | Nancy D. Chiaravalloti | TEDxHerndon

ReferencesCassilhas, R. C., Tufik, S., & de Mello, M. T. (2016). Physical exercise, neuroplasticity, spatial learning and memory. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 73(5), 975-983.

Dumontheil, I. (2016). Adolescent brain development. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 10, 39-44.

Kutlu, M. G., & Gould, T. J. (2016). Effects of drugs of abuse on hippocampal plasticity and hippocampus-dependent learning and memory: contributions to development and maintenance of addiction. Learning & memory, 23(10), 515-533.

Wijeakumar, S., Kumar, A., Delgado Reyes, L. M., Tiwari, M., & Spencer, J. P. (2019). Early adversity in rural India impacts the brain networks underlying visual working memory. Developmental science, 22(5), e12822.