Managing with Analytics at Proctor & Gamble

Managing with Analytics at Proctor & Gamble

You will develop a report, not exceeding 1000 words, answering the following questions: (the report requires your own insight, your own idea, your own perspective, your own experience and you own analysis. The teacher said that he already knows everything from the case, so don’t repeat or paraphrase stuff that already know. Use APA format to write the report) 1. What were the primary metrics by which IDS’ success or failure was measured? What are the strengths or weaknesses of using these metrics? What metrics would you use to evaluate the success or failure of IDS? 2. Given P&G’s metrics from question 1, was IDS a success or not? 3. What were the organizational techniques, processes, information technology and analytic techniques that IDS used effectively? Give two specific strategies that you would have done differently that would have had a positive impact on your metrics. 4. How would P&G’s experience with the compacted detergent rollout impact how they should utilize analytic techniques in the future? no exceeding 1000 words. So the content should be very analytic. pay attention: this is not a research paper, it is your analysis and ideas. so don’t use any source !!!! don’t use any source. Thank you!!