medium essay Write a public blog on an interesting topic to a specific audience. Join a blog conversation by responding, directly or indirectly, to another piece of writing and the comments about that piece of writing. express your own thoughts and the th

Recommended Due: A Digitally delivered response ROUGH DRAFT to one of options listed below delivered via the BLOG ROUGH DRAFT TURNITIN LINK ON MOODLE by 11:59 pm Monday 10/1
Recommended Due: A Digitally delivered response FINAL DRAFT to one of options listed below delivered via the BLOG FINAL DRAFT TURNITIN LINK ON MOODLE by 11:59pm Monday 10/8

Recommended Due 11:59pm Monday 10/8 Digitally delivered versions of all annotated readings. If you have annotated by hand, please deliver these to me in class on Monday 10/8 If you have annotated digitally, please deliver these as an attachment(s) to my email [email protected] (One file folder is preferred). 
Length: Since you will include visuals, length, as an independent value, is irrelevant. Fulfill your stated purpose in your paper and you will do well. 
Font: Your design, your choice. Please vary for emphasis when appropriate.
Case Size: At least 12, but you may vary up for emphasis when appropriate.
Spacing: Blog appropriate spacing
Purpose: Write a public blog on an interesting topic to a specific audience. Join a blog conversation by responding, directly or indirectly, to another piece of writing and the comments about that piece of writing.
Audience: This will vary depending on your chosen option, but I insist that you identify a specific, real world audience within the readers of Medium. 
Design: Strategically incorporate visual elements into your paper. Use clean negative/positive space ratios. Use color effectively. Your design should help your reader navigate and interpret the hierarchy of your writing. These visual elements can include pictures/short video clips/ memes etc.…. This paper should look like the blogs we have read. Make it professional. Make it alive.
Media: Blog. Model your responses on the things you like about the blog writers we have read.
Documentation: Use Hyperlinks to direct your reader to other writings that you are summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting from. Since our media for this first paper is a blog, we do not need to parenthetically reference our paraphrases and quotes. We simply need to introduce them in such a way that our readers will be clear about what text we are paraphrasing or quoting and who wrote it. Ex. Expanding upon traditional definitions of design in Design and the Self, Irene Au suggests that “………………….”
Genre: Depends upon which option you choose (see options below). However, most of our responses will contain elements of argument and/or narrative.
Stance: I want you to express your own thoughts and the thoughts of others clearly and fairly. Use sound logic. Use persuasive evidence. Write strong sentences. Use vivid, concrete, physical language. Use analogies. Having said that, it is ok to be yourself. It is ok to be funny. It is ok to be conversational (after all, you are entering an internet conversation here!). It is ok to admit that you don’t know everything. It is ok to admit that you find some things confusing or frustrating. It is ok to admit that other people are right about things. It is ok to be passionate about your topic. Be provocative.
Organization: I expect these blogs to be organized by an identifiable purpose that is constructed by original and interesting titles that are followed by unified and coherent subsections identified with subsections titles. Most of the blogs we’ve read are organized like this. Also, inserting memes or visuals in a balanced way turns a regular old essay into a blog that lives and breathes. Within your paragraphs themselves, remember to unify them with a topic sentence and connect them with clear transitions. However, don’t forget that you are writing a blog, not a doctoral thesis. Use titles, visuals, sub-titles, and short to medium length paragraphs. 
Please choose one of the following options as a framework to construct your paper.

1. Choose a poorly designed object or space, one that causes stress, emotional negativity, and frustration. An object or space whose design wan motivated by fear, greed, ego, and attachment. Explain in detail why the object is poorly designed and improperly motivated. Then, in as much detail as possible, re-design it in such a way that it now creates harmony, positivity, efficiency and is motivated by modesty, humility, generosity, and selflessness. Should you choose this option, your purpose as a writer is to clearly identify a design problem and attempt to solve it in as much detail as possible.


2. Write your own prompt, but run it by me first.

3. Hey _________, you are not______________. I’m _______________.

4. ____________ is the new _________________ and here’s why that’s important to know.

5. _______________ is not the problem, it is just a symptom. ______________________ is the problem. Here’s why and here’s what to do about it.

6. The problem with _____________ is ____________. But what if we think about it Like _______________. Practice innovation by thinking through a problem, any problem, laterally instead of vertically. The purpose of this prompt is to give you an opportunity to innovate, rather than imitate: an opportunity to practice original, breakthrough thinking, instead of just memorizing information for a test.

7. _________________ is not the problem, it is just a symptom. The real problem is ____________ and here is why.

8. _______________ is like ____________ and here is why it is important to think about it like this.

9. Hey ______________, everything you think about _______ is wrong.

10. What my parent’s generation got right,

11. Five things you need to know about____________.

*I suggest that, if your chosen option requires further research, you consult the websites listed at the top of our Moodle page. I also suggest that you download the free Medium blog app and conduct a subject search on Medium. This will guide you to other short articles about your subject. At a bare minimum, I need you to both summarize and quote from at least one published text in your essay, preferably the one most closely associated with your chosen writing option.