
Paper C1

China’s internet censorship

I chose to write about china’s internet censorship because recently in the news, I saw an article about china censoring its Google searches. After looking up information about china censoring google searches I found that censorship of its Google searches was just a small problem in a much larger ethic issues that china has right now. In 1998 the Golden shield project also known as the Great firewall of china started. This is “a system that prevents access to websites deemed undesirable by the government of the People’s Republic of China CITATION gre l 1033 (great firewall, n.d.)”. With china censoring the internet this is a clear violation of Article 19 of the universal Declaration of Human rights which states” Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers CITATION the l 1033 (the universal Declaration of Human rights , n.d.).”


What is the reason behind censoring the information on the internet?

Was the real reason china started censoring the internet because they see trends in other countries where the citizens of other countries picked up bad behavior of what they seen done in other countries “Monkey see monkey do”, Where children look at music videos and see Drugs, Guns and nudity and think that it is the cool thing to do and try to act out these music videos in their real life.

Was it the fact that they didn’t want any disgruntled Chinese citizens posting slandering information about the country online for other countries to see?

What is the history behind the great firewall of china and what effects does it have on the people of china?

Do the citizens of china really care that the government is censoring the internet. Some people live by the phrase what you don’t know won’t hurt you. With that being said if they don’t know anything about the features of the internet how are they going to know what is messing?

Is the great firewall of china just a very advanced tool for the internet?

Is the censorship of the internet unethical?

In America we have the freedom of speech but it other countries they have other rules and regulations that they must follow. So how do we judge what is morally good and bad. This topic can be seen from both point a views.

Works Cited

BIBLIOGRAPHY great firewall. (n.d.). Retrieved from Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition: firewall

the universal Declaration of Human rights . (n.d.). Retrieved from UN.ORG:


BEAM, C. (2013). BEHIND CHINA’S CYBER CURTAIN. New Republic, 244(20), 5-8.

Guo, S., & Feng, G. (2012). Understanding Support for Internet Censorship in China: An Elaboration of the Theory of Reasoned Action. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 17(1), 33-52. Doi: 10.1007/s11366-011-9177-8