Reflective account on employability related psychometric tests

Reflective account on employability related psychometric tests

Task 3 – Reflective account on employability related psychometric tests

Main Objective of the assessment

To write a reflective account (essay) of your own, personal experiences of psychometric tests assessments.

Description of the Assessment

Developing a portfolio of employability skills including psychometric tests is becoming considerably important in pretty much every workplace.

 The extant literature highlighted how psychometric tests (including verbal and numeric reasoning tests) can give a real reflection on have an employee can manage to accomplish assigned tasks and job, given the majority of these jobs requiring a good degree of skills in articulating and manipulating words and numbers respectively.

In this task (Task 3), you will need to find and read relevant literature. It is most important to make use of all the electronic databases.

Taking into account this literature, write a reflective account of your own, personal experiences of psychometric tests assessments. Does the literature reflect your own experiences? In what way? As well as providing a retrospective account of your experience, you should end the account/essay with a summary of what you feel that you need to do in order to improve your preparations that can help you in improving your verbal and numerical skills and how you intend to go about doing this (both in the short term and the long term); that is, how what you have learned will affect what you do, and how, in the future.

Structure of the essay/reflective account what your report will look like in terms of its structure:

· Title of the account/essay

· Introduction

· Main body of the account/essay, that is, what the literature says, how the literature does, or does not, reflect your own experiences, what you will take forward from this.

· Concluding comments

· List of references

The essay/reflective account should be no more than 1500 words long. This includes all words, that is, from the first word of the title to the very last word in the list of references.

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