Thinkers Guide

Thinkers Guide

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Thinkers Guide

Part I

Ethical reasoning abilities development is vitally significant in developing an ethical world and living an ethical life. After reading the Thinker Guide text, I was introduced to understanding and intellectual tools appropriate for reasoning through ethical problems and issues in a more insightful manner. Initially, I confused ethics with behaving according to the law, religious beliefs, and social conventions. I also did not view ethics as a domain itself. However, after interacting with the Thinkers Guide text, I was able to acquire the ethical reasoning foundations. More specifically, I find several ideas and points helpful and interesting, others are not helpful, and some ideas are meaningful takeaways.

Interesting, Helpful, Likable Points or Ideas

First, I find the definition of ethics as a set of principles and concepts that are involved in guiding us to establish the behavior that is helpful or harmful to sentient creatures as interesting. Although many individuals fail to recognize that ethical principles and concepts are universally defined, I found it interesting that we all use shared ethical principles and concepts as guides in reasoning, particularly through usual ethical issues. Also, I find the two functions of ethics helpful, that is, acts enhancing the well-being of other individuals, which results in us being praised, and acts that diminish or harm the well-being of other people warrant our criticism (Paul & Elder, 2019). Hence, I find it interesting how a person must develop ethical reasoning abilities because there exists a strong tendency towards self-deception, self-justification, prejudice, and egotism. I also agree that ethical decisions need an in-depth understanding of where similar acts are ethically praised by certain political, social, or religious groups and ethically condemned by different groups.

Additionally, I agree that we have an essential responsibility to learn to differentiate between ethics questions, the law, religion, and social conventions. If we establish skilled, ethical reasoning as the norm, we must cultivate the ability to establish whether all laws, rules, practices, or belief systems are ethical. Also, I find ethical reasoning abilities helpful, for example, ethical, affective dimensions such as exercising ethical reciprocity, ethical micro-abilities such as clarifying ethical claims and ideas, and ethical micro-skills such as identifying facts from ethical ideas, values, and principles. In addition, I find essential ethical traits helpful to me and everybody. These include ethical traits such as ethical humility, ethical courage, fairmindedness, and ethical integrity. I like these traits and am working towards actualizing and manifesting them.

Unhelpful Ideas and Points

However, I find some ideas and points unhelpful. I find the two types of ethical questions unhelpful; these are simple ethical questions and complex ethical questions, which can be argued in multiple ways. I do not see it necessary to discuss types of ethical questions. I also find the hypothetical example reasoning through a particular complex ethical question unhelpful. It is not essential to provide a hypothetical example regarding the types of ethical questions. In addition, I find the significance of perspective and facts unhelpful. Although it is crucial to analyze data appropriate to a question when prompted with a complex ethical question, I do not find the provision of the significance of perspective and facts in the Thinker’s Guide text helpful in forming my fundamentals of ethical reasoning. Lastly, I find the ideas that ethical facts are frequently ignored or distorted by mainstream news unhelpful. I find the involvement of mainstream news in the Thinker’s Guide text irrelevant and hence should not be part of the guide.

Key Takeaways Essential in Future

Moreover, I found some ideas that were meaningful to me and useful in the future. The ethical reasoning elements and logic encouraged me to reflect on knowing myself ethically (Paul & Elder, 2019). I was able to understand that if I was to reason ethically well, I must learn to distinguish and assess my use of ethical reasoning elements. Hence, whenever I think, I think with a specific purpose within a viewpoint on the basis of assumptions resulting in consequences and implications. I also realized that I use theories and ideas to interpret experiences, facts, and data to resolve issues, solve problems, and answer questions. Hence, this can result in my cultural and ethical competence in practice as I can analyze ethical reasoning better. I am also aware of my own cultural values and beliefs and how they may differ from other individuals’ cultures. I am also able to honor and learn about the varying cultures of those around me. I can also target my ethical purposes.

Ethical reasoning logic also encouraged me to reflect on knowing myself ethically. After examining ethical reasoning logic in the Thinker’s Guide text, I can be able to analyze the logic of any ethical question. Hence, I can assess and analyze parts of my thinking as I explore the question; this has made me know myself ethically by assessing and analyzing every ethical question I make (Paul & Elder, 2019). It has also contributed to my ethical competence. I am now able to recognize my feelings when encountering what is unethical or ethical in certain situations. I can also reflect on these feelings to ensure directing my decisions and ensure acting in ways that result in the highest level of ethics.

Part II

Overall Reaction to the Articles

I have liked how the articles generally address the issue of ethics precisely in a matter which is well defined across all the articles. The articles have expressed great concern about ethical morality and how ethics should be applied across our societies. One unique feature that has been addressed in almost every article is the ethics we apply in our society. The articles have persisted on how humans should relate and how they should treat others in a manner that is morally right and in line with the ethics of society. I agree with most of the concepts outlined in the articles.

To start with social values, I have found that the author of the article has a set of foundations of ethical morals and values which we should apply in our social work environment. I agree with the author on the concepts of social work values in which knowledge, skills and values are critical when addressing social work (Bisman 2004). The arguments by the author are precise, and the manner in which they are convincing to the general audience. 

Contribution Of Articles to Thinker’s Guide Text Understanding

The articles have opened up my reasoning and deeper understanding on the basis of basing ethical arguments when subjected to an ethical dilemma or question. Nevertheless, the articles have argued the bases of ethical reasoning using various ethical theories and based on scholars who have done research on a certain element of ethics. For instance, the articles have drawn evidence on theoretical frameworks from professional scholars. The works of the scholars have helped in better analyses of an ethical problem and basing the facts drawn from different scholars and ethical frameworks discussed in the past. The articles have also expounded on the core of ethical reasoning and what one needs to understand in a given ethical scenario (Ben-Ari & Strier 2010). I can arguably say that the articles expanded my knowledge of the values and ethics, which strongly focus on understanding the Thinker’s Page 6 of 10 Guide text.

Illustration of Concepts in the Articles in Practice

My career and lifestyle involve Interaction with people. In addition, I really help people, and one of the critical issues I face is an ethical dilemma on the issues I face every day. It is with great concern that many times am faced with the challenge of defining who is morally right. Most of the concepts and ideas in the articles/ reports direct have had a direct illustration in my practicum. When dealing with people, it is good to apply good ethical behavior and moral values. For instance, in the article “Rethinking Cultural Competence: What Can We Learn from Levinas?” the author revisited a theoretical review of cultural competence (Ben-Ari & Strier 2010). My practicum will often deal with the issue of ethical competence from different field aspects. To be more precise, defining rules and guidelines that should be followed have been illustrated in this article. This has also proved the concepts and ideas illustrated in our daily activities. 

Impact of Articles Concepts on Ethical Competence Thought

The articles and reports discussed the importance of ethical competence in leaders and how it can impact an organization. Ethical competence includes the ability to make ethical decisions, understand the implications of those decisions, and act in an ethical manner (Ben-Ari & Strier 2010). One of the key areas where ethical competence is needed is in leadership. Ethically competent leaders can create an ethical culture within their organization and set the tone for how employees should act. These ideas have impacted how I think about ethical competence because they have shown me how important it is for leaders to be ethically competent. It is not enough for leaders to just be ethical; they must also be competent in order to create an ethical culture within their organization.


Ben-Ari A & Strier R (2010). Rethinking Cultural Competence: What Can We Learn from Levinas?

Bisman C. (2004) Social Work Values: The Moral Core of the Profession.

Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2019). The thinker’s guide to understanding the foundations of ethical reasoning : based on critical thinking concepts & tools. Rowman & Littlefield.