Title VII and Other Legislations


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Institution of Affiliation


Title VII and Other Legislations

Case 1.

The factors needed to establish a claim of disparate impact age discrimination include: the extent of the employer’s purpose, the extent defining the factor leading to discrimination, the extent to which the employer assessed the adverse impact of its employment practices on the older employees as well as the degree of harm caused by the decision to the older people. The officers will not be able to establish the factors for age discrimination in work place and this is because the decision to abolish the rank of captain was on reasonable factors other than age (RFOA). The primary reason for the abolishment is to save the city some money as the city was facing financial crisis. However, the abolishment did not affect age as it was scrap off with no intentions of discriminating the officers on age. For this purpose, the officers were automatically elevated to the rank of a captain performing the same duties as the rest of the officers while at the same time receiving a higher salary. To show that there was no intention of discrimination, the officers were provided with a chance to choose whether to retire or perform the same duties as officers.

Case 2.

Anders does not have a legitimate case as his behavior can be referred to as stage managed. Earlier before heading to the manager’s offices, he had an argument with his supervisor and is due to this that Anders made up his mind to walk home while he knew that he wasn’t ill. His main intentions were not to go home as he wanted to report the disagreement to the managers. His reaction to the managers can be seen to be exaggerated being violent and threatening the managers twice and therefore the justification made to terminate his services as he now seemed to be threat to the live of the manager. Anders claim that he was denied a leave is just but a mere excuse to calm his frustrations and to attain the mercies of the judges.

Works Cited

Dreiband, Eric S., Brett Swearingen, and Jones Day. “The evolution of Title VII—sexual orientation, gender identity, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.” Jones Day, Cleveland, OH(2015).