Transforming Gender Documentary

Transforming Gender Documentary

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Published by Real Stories in January 2020, the Transforming Gender Documentary delves into the lives of several transgender individuals and what it feels like to be conflicted about the gender assigned at birth. The main message in the documentary has to do with pushing transgender issues in contemporary society. The documentary captures the internal and external conflicts that transgender people have to contend with and details their transgender journey. The documentary talks about how the transgender people in the film felt trapped before transitioning like they were born in the wrong body. The documentary conveys the clash of gender identity in a society where transgender people are increasing. Additionally, the film talks about gender fluidity, where individuals adopt both genders. One of the transgender individuals in the film who was born male talks about gender fluidity saying that at one point in his life he would identify as both male and female. He says that gender is fluid because on certain days, he would identify as male and on others he would identify as female. It was not until when he clocked thirty that he became transgender. Another message that the documentary talks about is the challenges that lie in explaining to people whether they are male or female. The transgender in the film refers to the fact that people are always asking them about their gender before having any other interaction. Additionally, the film mentions that challenging the gender binary is difficult in society as gender is assigned at birth and the birth certificate allows only two genders; male or female. The film also talks about the lack of teaching about transgender healthcare at medical schools. Unless a physician takes it upon himself to educate others, transgender issues are not part of medical school training.

This documentary’s main audience includes but is not limited to transgender individuals, healthcare professionals, educationists, researchers, governments, students in institutions of higher learning, and the ordinary person. I feel like the target audience of this documentary is diverse, as the messages are relevant to every person in society. The most obvious target audience is the general society as the film seeks to increase the presence of transgender individuals in society. By talking about transgender issues openly, many people get to know about gender identity and its influence on the transgender movement. Researchers and governments are also targeted in a bid to push specific transgender issues, such as the birth certificate only allowing male and female gender identification. I would use the film as an educational tool for less informed people about transgender issues. In most cases, people seem ignorant about transgender issues, but the truth is that they are not as knowledgeable about the diversity of gender identities.

The film had a significant impact on my personal perspectives on matters of transgender people. While I was aware of the increasing presence of transgender people, I remained ignorant of the problems they face daily. However, I am not better informed and empathize with those who face backlash from society and even go through violence. I was ignorant of the kind of life they lead. I can only imagine how they feel each time they have to explain to people whether they are male or female. I have also become more aware of the identity clash with a society where their documents, including birth certificates, only allow for the male and female gender. Additionally, I have learned that transgender health issues remain neglected because there is no training about transgender healthcare that takes place in medical school. In essence, the document has opened my eyes to the broad issues that transgender people undergo in society.