two aspects of the historical figure’s identity

two aspects of the historical figure’s identity

Choose a historical figure that was born between 1851 and 1945. You will focus on two aspects of the historical figure’s identity. Either their racial/ethnic identity, their gender identity, or class politics. You want to explore how did these identities shape their lives? In order to carry this project out. Students will need to read an autobiography/ memoir of the person. In lieu of an autobiography/ memoir; you can use letters of your historical figure as well. Also, you can use journalistic accounts of your historical figure. But these journalists must have spoken directly to the subject. In other words, you must have primary sources. Also, your figure must appear in the New York Times. Therefore it must be a historical figure that was internationally known. In sum, you must have a memoir/autobiography and two articles from the New York Times If you do not have a memoir/autobiography then you must have at least four different primary sources and two sources must come from the New York Times. Also, students can choose from the following countries, Argentina, Brazil, Columbia Cuba, and Mexico. Preferred language style US English