You and your partner are required to write a rich, descriptive narrative of a single purchase, communication or consumption experience. This narrative should be focused around a single unifying theme and successfully apply related consumer behaviour theor

Professor’s assignment brief to students:


Assignment Brief 
You and your partner are required to write a rich, descriptive narrative of a single purchase,
communication or consumption experience. This narrative should be focused around a single
unifying theme and successfully apply related consumer behaviour theories and concepts.
Your paper must demonstrate that you and your partner have identified credible research
studies appropriate to the theme and have read and understood them. You can do this by
successfully integrating their findings into your story. Some examples of interesting themes
are the perception process, learning, motivation, affect, self-concept, personality, lifestyles
and attitudes.
Even though you and your partner are required to write a narrative about an experience, this
is very much a research assignment. I expect that all students will use the textbook to
research the unifying theme of the narrative. However, in order to do well you are required
to go beyond the textbook and research the unifying theme using academic journal
As you will more than likely be concentrating on just one areas of consumer behaviour, it
would make sense to read and reference some of the seminal journal articles on this topic.
Whenever the textbook discusses a theory, it includes a footnote that relates to a list of
references at the end of the book. These references are generally from academic journals
that investigate the related topic and would be a good place to start your research. If you wish
to look further, try searching for the theory/topic in the Journal of Consumer Research which
is available via the library website in the electronic databases Business Source Complete and
JSTOR. Other appropriate journals that can be found in the library electronic journal database
include, but are not limited to:
– Advances in Consumer Research – Psychology and Marketing
– Journal of Consumer Behaviour – Consumption Markets and Culture
– Journal of Marketing – Young Consumers
– Journal of Islamic Marketing – Journal of Consumer Psychology
– Journal of Consumer Marketing – Journal of Consumer Research
Once you have identified some articles that you think would be appropriate, I suggest you run
them by me first to make sure you are on the right track.

Consumer Behaviour Consumption Narrative
The most common theme discussed is
the consumer decision making process as it can be easily applied to any purchase
experience. I am a bit bored of reading these narratives, however if you and your partner
chose to focus on this, please note that this is a very broad topic and in order to demonstrate
a deep understanding of the related theoretical concepts within 1000 words you may need to
narrow your theme down to a certain aspect of the consumer decision making process (i.e.
information search or decision rules). Furthermore, please focus your discussion on purchase
you were both involved in (e.g. going out for lunch together).

Please do use reliable source for you research, do not use website sources ending with .com or .net. etc…