This is a situation whereby the body is unable to regulate the number of sugar levels in the body and therefore in the end the levels of sugar in the body go to high levels which can lead to disasters of the immune, nervous and circulatory systems. In this type of diabetes the pancreas does not produce adequate insulin therefore due to its function of controlling sugar intake into the cells there is less absorption of sugar into the cells. This disease is mainly common among older aged individuals, however, due to obesity, many young people are suffering from the disease of late.


Weight loss


Increased thirst

Slow-healing sores

Tingling on hands or feet

Frequent urination

Increased hunger


It is caused by two situations;

Firstly by cells in the fat, muscle, and liver becoming resistant to insulin, therefore, taking less sugar due to their manner of interaction with the insulin

Secondly, the pancreas produces less sugar to manage balanced blood sugar ratios

Risk factors

These are the factors that may increase the risk of a person getting type 2 diabetes;

Family history- there is a high probability of getting the disease if a family member has had it before.

Age-older people are likely to develop the disease

Inactivity- those involved in less physical activity are likely to get the disease

Fat distribution- fat stored in the abdomen is a risk factor, however, if stored in the thighs and hips it is safer for the individual


The possible complications which can be caused by type 2 diabetes include; increased risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis. It is also related to limb neuropathy, kidney disease, eye damage, dementia, skin conditions, and slow healing.


Generally, a person’s lifestyle can greatly indicate their ability to get or not get this disease. Health lifestyle is good for the individual not to get this disease and it includes;

Getting active- this means physical activity or exercise

Avoiding very long periods of inactivity

Eating healthy foods

Losing weight


Mayo Clinic. (2021, January 20). Type 2 Diabetes – Symptoms and causes. Mayo Clinic; https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/type-2-diabetes/symptoms-causes/syc-20351193