what is CIMT Constraint -induced movement therapy

what is CIMT Constraint -induced movement therapy

what is CIMT Constraint -induced movement therapy. Find 2 Anecdotal article and 2 evidence based article, from a-jot or aota.org websites only. summarize the articles what CIMT, is modifications results . find articles explaining what constraint induced therapy is , results of it and how it works and more explaning it so 4articles in total. Can be 3 pages, then another paper on the side I will give you log in to a website to watch couple videos of this client clint is his same he has left side weakness and you will write separate 1 page what his active range of motion is like, what is working what isn’t fully working talk about the hand elbow scapula this has to be used some occupational therapy language. Is client appropriate for CIMT , Which he definitely is , state why you think so and how will it help him.clint is a stroke patient, 5 months post stroke,